Our Mission
SoBro was founded in 1972 by a group of business executives and community leaders. Our mission was urgent: to reverse the flight of businesses and jobs from the South Bronx. This was the first and most fundamental step toward rebuilding a community that had suffered from decades of disinvestment. But as SoBro evolved, it became clear that community revitalization required a multifaceted effort.

Today we address all aspects of community development: helping businesses get started and grow, training residents to the needs of employers, offering opportunities for youth to learn and develop, and creating affordable and special needs housing and commercial space that reverses blight in the community.
Since our founding in 1972, SoBro has served more than 20,000 students, helped to create and retain more than 40,000 jobs for area residents, and created the climate for hundreds of million dollars of capital investment into the South Bronx.

Award-Winning Success and Service
Top-Performing Center
Minority Business Development Agency, Department of Commerce
Recognized by the Connecticut General Assembly
Top-Performing Center
Minority Business Development Agency, Department of Commerce
Top-Performing Center
Minority Business Development Agency, Department of Commerce
Top-Performing Center
Minority Business Development Agency, Department of Commerce
Outstanding Partner
Asian Pacific American Businesses
Outstanding Partner
National Association of Women in Construction
Leadership Award
National Association of Women in Construction
Highest $ Value of Financial Award
Minority Business Development Agency, Department of Commerce