It started with a powerful will to change lives. Please help us continue our important work.
SoBro’s mission is to keep businesses in the Bronx and transform our communities for the better. We have revitalized long-forgotten areas of the South Bronx into beautiful places to live affordably and have created new economic hubs for local entrepreneurs. Join this effort with a donation today.
SoBro provides a genuine home for the Bronx community where all are welcome and have access to an ever-growing variety of programs, support services, and ways to connect. Your donations make it possible for SoBro to continue to enhance the quality of life in the South Bronx by strengthening businesses and creating innovative economic, housing, education, and career development programs for youth and adults.
We Are a Community Anchor—Show Your Support
Please support our work and the Bronx community! Your donations allow us to continue to provide services to adults, youth, families, and businesses and to develop new programs to meet the changing needs of our community. Help us continue to raise the quality of life throughout the Bronx by supporting our key program areas:
Providing access to capital for businesses
Helping businesses overcome COVID setbacks
Helping small businesses break through the digital divide and become online storefronts as well
Providing access to affordable housing
Investing in redevelopment and infrastructure programs in key or underdeveloped areas of the South Bronx and beyond
Offering innovative and engaging youth development programming
The South Bronx Economic and Development Corporation (SoBro) is a tax-exempt public nonprofit (federal tax ID #13-2736022). All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.
All grants and contributions to SoBro are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law, and will help SoBro meet its mission. A copy of SoBro’s financial statements, its state registration information, and a description of our charitable purposes may be obtained by contacting us at:
South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (SoBro)
555 Bergen Avenue 10455
Bronx, NY 10455
You can also contact the following state agency:
The Office of the Attorney General
Charities Bureau
120 Broadway
New York, NY 10271